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About our projects


Together with the FHRK e.V., CORTEX developed the trade association’s new website. The aim of the project was to relaunch the website with a fresh design and new content, combined with helpful tools for members of the association and interested parties.

Technologies used

About the FHRK e.V., trade association for house entries for pipes and cables

The FHRK e.V., Fachverband Hauseinführungen für Rohre und Kabel, founded on June 29, 2010, has set itself the goal of arousing and increasing interest in the professional sealing of house entries for supply and disposal lines in general and, together with manufacturers, utility companies and other users, to define guidelines and test principles for technically reliable and efficient solutions for the house entry sector.
Years since foundation
Ordinary members
Supporting members

Information about the association

The redesign of the website focused on presenting the association and its members as well as providing interesting specialist information from the industry.

Building owners, architects and planners are provided with comprehensive information on the website with attractively designed information pages.

Dealer search via map

One of the association’s requirements was the clear and geographical presentation of all specialist dealers in the vicinity of the interested parties.

A search by city or zip code has been developed that displays the search result on an OpenstreeMap and thus provides a direct spatial context to the search result.