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Ulm becomes part of EXPO Dubai

with Cortex Media at the World Expo

The world’s largest church tower is traveling to Dubai. In the form of a circuit board about the size of a matchbox (see cover photo from the presentation at the end of 2018 at the annual event of e.V. in Ulm’s town hall). This small minster is the key to the LoRaWAN(Long Range Wide Area Network), a network that is already available free of charge throughout Ulm. It was introduced in 2016 by e.V. under the leadership of Andreas Buchenscheit.

The efforts of e.V. are bearing special fruit this year. The LoRaWAN project will be part of the EXPO world exhibition in Dubai.

Ulm was one of the first cities in the world to use this technology. This allows sensor data to be transmitted over a long distance, such as the fill level of garbage cans in the city center, the moisture of the soil in the allotment garden at home or a crack in the masonry of Ulm’s most famous landmark, Ulm Minster. “We are now finding many great examples of applications, from simple student projects to finished products from individual companies that use the Ulm network,” says Buchenscheit, CEO of e.V. and Managing Director of CORTEX Media GmbH.

For him and his colleagues, the news from Dubai came as a complete surprise. “Neither we nor the city of Ulm applied for the EXPO. Of course, this makes it an even greater honor and appreciation that we were chosen by the Fraunhofer Institute on behalf of the Ministry to be a part of it,” adds Matthias Schneider, Head of Development at CORTEX media.

Association Chairman Heribert Fritz is also more than proud: “It shows that we are on the right track with our initiative and that Ulm remains a pioneer when it comes to digitalization.”

To illustrate the possibilities of a sensor network and the opportunities of a smart city, those responsible, together with citysens GmbH and the city of Ulm, opened the LoRaPark at the Weinhof in Ulm last summer. There, interested parties can find out about the areas of application of LoRaWAN using various examples.

Further information:
City of Ulm: Ulm becomes part of EXPO Dubai
RegioTV: Ulm goes Dubai
Donau3fm: Ulm network exhibits at EXPO in Dubai
Ulm News: Ulm becomes part of the EXPO in Dubai