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Cortex Media invites you to Security Day 2016 at the Oldtimerfabrik

The Security Day with Cortex Media

On Friday, October 14, the Oldtimerfabrik in Neu-Ulm opened its doors under the theme of data security. Over 100 invited guests from regional and national companies as well as from the University of Ulm, Ulm University of Applied Sciences, DHBW Heidenheim and Dortmund University of Applied Sciences were guided through the day with presentations on the topic of IT security. The Lord Mayor of Ulm, Gunter Czisch, also took part in the Security Day.

Wolfgang Strasser, CEO of @-yet GmbH, began by presenting the challenges facing corporate IT and Harald Bauschke from Sophos GmbH then presented security solutions for companies.

After lunch, the guests had the opportunity to take a closer look at the location and the classic cars. Andreas Buchenscheit, Managing Director of Cortex Media GmbH, then took the audience on a journey into the world of security vulnerabilities. Various live hackings showed the astonished guests what is possible with the right know-how. For example, Andreas Buchenscheit called a guest’s cell phone using his private number, uploaded third-party content to a website and revealed a security vulnerability in a newspaper app.

The event was intended to raise awareness among the guests of the current challenges facing companies in the IT world. Company representatives and guests had time to discuss the topic in greater depth during a joint discussion.