Bilfinger drinking water installation check
Together with Bilfinger, CORTEX developed a comprehensive software solution for the inspection and hygienic-technical evaluation of drinking water installations.
A native Android app for data acquisition as well as a web app and backend system for data management and the creation of legally compliant reports were developed for this purpose.
Technologies used

App for data recording
Using a native smartphone app specially adapted to customer requirements, all the necessary data for a drinking water installation is recorded and enhanced with photos or voice recordings. After recording, the data is transferred to the backend via an interface.
Backend and document generation
The data transferred to the backend, based on the Cortex framework, is post-processed and prepared for subsequent document generation.
A legally compliant document is then generated in just a few milliseconds, which automatically formats and structures all the data collected.
We have been working with CORTEX since 2010. As Henry Ford said: “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.”
Norbert B. Löffler – Head of Building Advisory
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