Museum App
Technologies used
Our app makes it possible to record the visitor’s position in the museum using modern beacons. With the help of these small transmitters, the app recognizes their position and automatically displays suitable content:
Multimedia explanations about a specific exhibit, general information about the museum or an interactive tour. The museum app offers far more than the familiar audio guides.

Multimedia explanations
Enrich the visit to your museum with multimedia explanations of your exhibits in speech, images and videos. Provide further background information and facts more easily than ever before.
Thanks to position recognition, the user is shown directions at important points. With the help of photos and illustrations from the real building and spoken instructions, visitors can be guided unerringly through even the most complicated rooms. No more worries about your museum plan not being interpreted correctly or your visitors not finding their way around.

Customizable for every need
All elements such as waypoints, descriptions, multimedia explanations, as well as images, sound and videos can be combined according to your wishes. For example, directions can be combined with exhibit explanations, images, speakers or videos. The installation of beacons in all rooms enables precise localization of visitors and the provision of context-related information. The system can be made available for download on iPods in the museum or as an app in the app store.