SCHWENK cement
Technologies used
About SCHWENK Zement
Information about the company
The company is described extensively and in detail in five sub-sections. An overview of all locations is followed by the history of the company, while the sustainability section provides information on environmental protection and nature conservation.
News and a download area with numerous company-specific documents round off this section.
Products and solutions
The company’s products are divided into several areas: Cement, special building materials, concrete, sand & gravel and concrete pumps. Several subpages have been developed for all these areas and special topics. On these pages, the respective products are described in detail, data sheets can be downloaded and the locations of the plants can be found.
Fresh concrete temperature calculator
In construction consulting, the fresh concrete temperature calculator is a practical tool for quickly and easily calculating the current or target temperature of the concrete.
Together with the experts at Schwenk, we have developed this tool, which is freely accessible via the website.

Responsive design
The entire website was also developed for mobile devices, so that all display classes are covered, from smartphones, tablets and laptops to large desktop screens.
This means that the same information can be accessed on the move as at the desk in the office in the smallest of display spaces.