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Weihnachtsmarkt 3

About our projects

CORTEX won the anonymous Europe-wide tender competition against 27 competitors for the design and communication concept of the new website of the city of Ulm. As a company from Ulm, we are particularly proud of this. We were able to convince with our approaches and designs and were not awarded the contract simply because we are Ulm-based.

Technologies used


The style guide defines the visual components of the website on over 190 pages. From typography, colors and header elements to the sidebar and iconography, all necessary elements are described in detail, with examples and realistic application scenarios.

Particular attention was paid to the wide variety of content that the site had to display and make quickly accessible. The city of Ulm with its extensive services, benefits and offers and the resulting requirements must be represented accordingly.

Numerous tools and functions

In addition to the visual specifications, numerous functions, tools and helpers were defined and developed in principle to assist the visitor on the website.

For example, a watch list helps users to find content again, the diary provides an overview of events and the quick access bar gives access to the most popular sections.

All these functions were developed and defined by us and the project team in joint workshops.

Responsive (optimized for all devices)

Like any modern website, has also been optimized for mobile devices with various display sizes. The majority of visitors to the website were already using mobile devices with smaller display sizes in 2014.

The style guide provides the website implementers with specifications for the implementation of this horizontally limited content.