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Together with Let’s Encrypt for a secure web

SSL and TLS as standard with Cortex Media

CORTEX media GmbH from Ulm joins the list of supporters of Let’s Encrypt.

The non-profit project Let’s Encrypt, which was founded in the USA, has set itself the goal of improving the spread of HTTPS and thus creating secure and protected client-server connections on the World Wide Web. This is to be achieved by Let’s Encrypt providing all website operators with SSL certificates that are automatically updated after 90 days. While such certificates currently cost 30 to 300 euros per year at other certification authorities, Let’s Encrypt offers them free of charge and the administrative effort is reduced to a minimum.

Security on the Internet

But a project like this does not finance itself. That is why a number of companies have already invested in the project. In addition to main sponsors such as Mozilla, Akamai, Cisco, Facebook and Chrome, many companies from all over the world are providing financial support for the free and open certification authority. After CORTEX media GmbH was already one of the beta testers of the project founded in 2015 and now uses the certificates on a large scale, especially for HTTPS encryption, we have now decided to make a financial contribution to the continued success of Let’s Encrypt.

CORTEX media GmbH has long recognized the importance of security on the Internet. Managing Director Andreas Buchenscheit regularly speaks on this topic at conferences and events in order to show other companies the dangers and how they can protect themselves against them. Secure end-to-end encryption using SSL certificates plays a major role here, which makes the Let’s Encrypt project essential for the modern Internet.

It is already clear that Let’s Encrypt is making a great contribution to a more secure and confidential web. According to statistics from Mozilla, the number of encrypted websites worldwide rose from 46% to 67% last year. Such an increase would hardly have been possible without the project, as the number of active certificates from Let’s Encrypt doubled to 46 million in 2017 and the number of domains even tripled to 61 million. The goals for 2018 are no less ambitious, with the aim of at least doubling the figures achieved this year.

We are happy to support the project and are convinced that Let’s Encrypt will massively change the market and trade with SSL certificates within the next few years and make the Internet more secure bit by bit.